Candid Chatter

Just Say It

TV and Halloween September 11, 2008

Filed under: Life... The Way I See It — candidchatter @ 11:28 am
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There are certain TV shows made for children that my kids are not permitted to watch.

  • Sponge Bob Squarepants
  • The Doodlebops
  • Lilo & Stitch

To name a few.

I have my reasons. I know there are parents who only permit TV at certain times of the day and only for so many minutes/hours per day. I’m not like that really. My kids watch TV at breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner. It keeps the peace. For now. As they get older, we plan to cut the TV at mealtimes.

While I was in Ohio in June, my kids were introduced to Tom & Jerry and Spiderman. I was none too pleased with that, but when Daddy and Poppy are in charge they do things differently than Mommy does. I have tried to win the battles over those shows since then, but I’m not faring too well. Thankfully, they are only on at certain times of the day (naptime) and usually whenever Brianna asks for one of them they aren’t on. Shew! Being that she loves her some Spiderman, I doubt the desire to watch it on TV will subside any time soon. But I’m working on it.

This time of year is especially challenging for me. I have mentioned before that my husband and I don’t do Halloween with our children. It’s our own personal conviction and we would never try to persuade anyone else to treat it as we do unless that person (couple) is likewise convicted. The trouble is it’s on almost every single cartoon my kids are permitted to watch. Dora does a witch Halloween episode and a Trick or Treat one. The intermission on Nick Jr. and the like are all Halloween festive. I even think I saw a Halloween thing on Handy Manny last year as well as on Little Einsteins. Frustrating.

I choose to ignore it and redirect their attention whenever something of that nature comes on TV. Pulling out crafts around that time is a great way to get their attention towards something else.

My daughter doesn’t like Halloween decor. When we go to stores that have the masks and skeletons and spider webs hanging about she says it scares her. I can see why. Some of that stuff is scary looking. However, it is everywhere right now. I am quite aware of it and I try to avoid taking them places with those things whenever I can. When I have no choice I just ignore it and tell them it’s fake and not to worry.

Sometimes it’s tough to be a parent. I stick to my guns pretty well, but when the world is all for something that I’m all against it can be difficult. Now that we live in a kid-filled neighborhood, trick or treat night might be another challenge. We’re probably going to have to make plans to do something away from home that night because I also don’t give out candy.

A family member tried to persuade me the other day to take my kids to a church event for trick or treating so my kids don’t feel left out. Uh, no thanks. Church sponsored or not — it’s still trick or treat. Whether they are in devil, witch, and ghost costumes or angels, lambs, and clowns — it is still trick or treat. They still get candy. The idea is the same. The only difference is the type of costumes present. Does the fact that it is sponsored by a local church change my conviction? Absolutely not.

In Romans 12:2 it says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — His good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

Parenting is tough. Sometimes being a Christian parent is even tougher.

Article: “Where did Halloween come from?” Incase you’re interested.

What are your
parental convictions?


2 Responses to “TV and Halloween”

  1. Heidi…I’m a 100% behind you on this one!

    When I was a kid, things were different. Halloween had an entirely different meaning. But, now, satan has certainly taken over the events related to Halloween…and not just to the day itself.

    My son will not dress in costume…he will not go trick or treating, he will not go to a church event on that night…unless it is our regular night of worship.

    Romans 12 is clear…and you are dead on target…no matter what anyone, including family, says!

    Stick to your beliefs!

  2. Human Says:

    Dear Heidi

    We (ie my family) are in the UK and we hate Halloween too. Not for specifically religious reasons: the slew of consumerist tat, and the celebration of gore. Christmas is even worse (for tat), but at least Christmas is celebrating something worthwhile.

    The article you link to is very interesting. I didn’t know about Oct 31st 1517 and Martin Luther. That really is worth celebrating. I shall certainly be telling everyone about it (I’ll mention it at my son’s school. Now there’s an idea!).

    Thank you!


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